FAQ and Q&A


Does working with an agent to Buy a home cost anything?

Having your own representation during the purchase process is vital as you absolutely want someone looking out for your best interest. I do not charge ANY fees to help you find your new home. This does not mean other agents will not charge a fee. For more information, please contact me and we can talk about the process.

Does it cost anything to get a home evaluation?

I do not charge anything to come and take a look at your property and help you to decide whether or not to sell. I focus on a pressure free environment so you can feel comfortable with our discussion.

Does the lender I choose matter?

Choosing the right lender for financing, is absolutely imperative, contrary to some belief, it is not just about the rate. For more in depth details, please contact me and we can chat a bit.

What are the typical costs to purchase a home?

This is a great question that is so often overlooked and not thought about.

There are items such as, earnest money, inspection and appraisals that need to be considered as these are typically up front costs.

How long does it take before I can move into my new home?

This is a great question, however is tough to answer without more detail.

Lets schedule a time to meet and we can go over your overall goals and what the first steps are.

How do I choose an agent?

Well first off…. choose me!! 🙂

This biggest thing to keep in mind when finding with an agent, is to make sure it is the agents full time gig.

Working with a part time real estate agent can warrant some pretty quick red flags.


Jason Burroughs MBH Group

So Jason, where are you from?

I was born in Lincoln Nebraska, but my family moved to Tulsa when I was about 5. I lived in Arizona for a brief period, but I am happy to say I call Tulsa home!!

You transitioned from a 13 year communication venture, what about real estate caused the change?

I have always LOVED the idea of being in Real Estate! It has been a long-term dream of mine for years so I can now say that I am following my dreams… or that I’m in a dream… whichever is better!!

What area in Tulsa would you consider your “Stomping Grounds?”

Jenks, Bixby and Tulsa, Broken Arrow, I also like to venture out a bit and have a more scenic view….although I love all of Tulsa Metro!!

If you had to pick a home to live in forever and ever, what kind of house would it be?

Oh boy, this is a tough one. I would say a home just like the one the in the movie “Mr & Mrs. Smith!

What words of wisdom do you often share with clients? What do clients often need to hear?

I always tell my clients, “let me do the work for you! Let me ask you the right questions so I know EXACTLY what you are looking for.” Taking the time to communicate and ask the right questions is paramount. I scour the MLS listings to find the right houses that match their criteria. It works when clients trust me because all they have to do is enjoy the ride and look at some homes.Almost every client needs to be reassured that we will find what they want! It may not be the first home we look at, although that’s always the goal, but we will be on this journey together to find exactly what they want.

If you ever change careers for an encore you’ll…

I don’t think I will… this should be my last change. That being said I would really love to eventually own a jazz bar. I’ll save you a table when it opens!

MBH Group